Open Educational Research Assets (OPERA)
Welcome to Open Educational Research Assets (OPERA)
OPERA provides open educational resources in the field of educational research methods, bringing together resources that have been designed to support educational research at masters level. These resources are free for you to use and we hope you will find them useful in developing your own research.
How to use OPERA
OPERA houses a lot of material and so it is worth reflecting on the nature of the information that you require before you access the material. This will be also useful if you are using OPERA to support an application to The Open University’s Doctorate in Education programme.
Educational research methods
As you can see from the diagram, the resources are located in different areas. Each area houses materials that relate to different aspects of educational research methods. You can click on the relevant areas of the diagram to access the collections of resources, or use the menu bar on the left-hand side of the screen.
In addition OPERA provides links to open access publications and information on developing research proposals.