4.1.2 Resilience and constraints in the case of COMSIP

Finally, here is my table for COMSIP. Please compare it with yours or your notes.

COMSIP Demonstration of resilience Constraints on resilience

Strong growth in membership, particularly among women, who also participate in the board and decision-making

Includes non-affiliated co-operatives, pre-co-operatives and groups

Several important benefits identified by members

Members tend to be in homogeneous communities although may engage in different activities (farming, small business)

Potential for youth involvement

Low capitalisation by membership due to lack of understanding of co-operative values and principles

Ongoing tendency to want hand-outs

Low repayment of loans, especially by farmers (who face several risks) and those expecting hand-outs, although better performance amongst members who have been trained

Collective skills

Planning to train a book-keeper in every co-operative

Role of loan committees in the primary co-operatives to instil a culture of saving as well as assess projects submitted for loans

Belonging to the same community promotes mutual controls for loan repayment

Collaborative business ventures

Training events that bring in wider community

Lack of adequate skills among leadership and managers

Little systematic book-keeping


External funding from development agencies and ongoing links with donors

Aim to build more shared experiences and learning between member co-operatives

No relations with other co-operative unions

Need for coordination with other unions to build up movement

Innovation Product, process and chain innovation: new strategy to include product marketing services in portfolio – will therefore engage in new products, new processes (both investment in value addition) and new value chains

Lack of expertise

Limited access to and knowledge of technologies

Electricity shortage

Role of government

Evolution of government programme so links with several ministries

Extension and co-operative education support

Government involvement in education and extension results in less contact between Union and primary co-operatives (and therefore less opportunity to train in co-operative principles)

Aim to make the new book-keepers a key link between co-operatives and Union

4.1.1 Resilience and constraints in the case of MUSCCO

4.2 Comparing producer and savings co-operatives