2.2.4 Essay

Essay questions are not marked automatically unlike other questions in the iCMA. If an Essay question is to be marked this has to be undertaken by an appointed marker who is given appropriate permission by Exams and Assessments; the Tutor role in OU Moodle does not have permission to mark questions.

We recommend that essay questions are shown one per page.

2.40 An essay question

Question text: You may use the full functionality of the editor to state the question.

General feedback: Perhaps use this for a model answer.

Response format: With or without the normal on-screen editor.

Input box size

Allow attachments: Any text entered here will be displayed in the response input box when a new attempt at the question starts.

Response template: Any text entered here will be displayed in the response input box when a new attempt at the question starts.

Information for graders: The mark scheme can be placed here.

Essay questions and iCMAs running with 'interactive with multiple tries' behaviour

Essay questions must be marked manually and as such cannot exhibit 'interactive with multiple tries' behaviour. If an essay question is included in an iCMA that is running with 'interactive with multiple tries' behaviour the essay question will be shown without a 'Check' button and will function with 'deferred feedback' behaviour.

Essay questions that are designed to capture student comments and are not marked

Essay questions are useful for collecting student feedback during an iCMA and when used for this purpose module teams do not wish the essay to be marked or to interfere with the marking process. Please indicate this to the system by giving such questions a 'Default mark' of 0. Essay questions with a 'Default mark' of 0 are set to 'Complete' when the iCMA is submitted, c.f. essay questions with a non-zero 'Default mark' which require human marking before the full results for the iCMA appear.

2.3 Selection questions