1.3 General

The General section of the iCMA form looks as follows:

1.3 The general section of the iCMA definition form

Name: Supply a short name for the assessment e.g. iCMA41; Block 2 Questions. It helps to make the name short as it is used in column headings in the Gradebook and the shorter the name the smaller the on-screen space that is occupied in these reports.

  • There is a convention that iCMAs that have their results transferred to Student Records should be numbered in the range 41 - 60, so iCMA41, iCMA42 etc. Within this range 'formative but compulsory' iCMAs should be numbered between 51 and 59.
  • iEMAs (End of Module Assessments) are transferred as CMEs (Computer Marked Exams) and are named iCME with a number in the range 81 - onwards e.g. iCME81, iCME82 etc.
  • formative iCMAs may be named in any way that fits in with your module and we have seen Quizzes and SOFAs and more. If you wish to use iCMA please choose a number in the range 1 - 40, so iCMA1, iCMA2 etc.

Introduction: Your introduction is shown to students before they start the iCMA. You may use it to set the scene, indicate the purpose of the iCMA within the module, say how long it should take, whether it can be repeated etc.

The introduction is available to students before the iCMA is open.

It is possible to revisit this iCMA definition form any number of times and consequently it is not necessary to write the final version of your introduction at your first visit, but knowing the reasons for creating the assessment and its role in the module will help you to come to a view on the number of questions that the assessment should contain and hence the student and author time involved.