1.4 Timing

The Timing section of the iCMA form looks as follows:

1.4 The timing section of the iCMA definition form

Open to students: To make the assessment available from a specified date and time, check the 'Enable' box and set the start date and time. It is standard practice to open assessed iCMAs at 00.00. The assessment will be made available automatically once this time is reached.

To make the assessment available as soon as it is visible (see below) leave the 'Enable' box unchecked.

Close to students: To make the assessment close at a specified date and time, check the 'Enable' box and set the close date and time. It is standard practice to close assessed iCMAs at 23.59 hours (essentially midnight). The assessment will close automatically once this time is reached.

To leave the assessment open for the duration of the module leave the 'Enable' box unchecked.

When time expires : One of

  • Open attempts are submitted automatically
  • There is a grace period when open attempts may be submitted, but no more questions answered
  • Attempts must be submitted before time expires, or they are not counted

From 13B presentations formal iCMAs will allow a grace period. Students who have started an iCMA but not submitted before the closing time will receive an email reminding them to submit if they wish to have their responses marked. This setting will be actived by the iCMA workflow.

The normal setting is 'Attempts must be submitted before time expires...'.

Submission grace period: Only used for a formal iCMA and normally 7 days.

Advanced settings (revealed by Show more...)

These settings are set to the OU defaults and are rarely changed.

Time limit: Default OU setting = 0.