3.3.4  Contraindications for measles vaccine, adverse events and how to manage them

Children who develop a severe allergic reaction should be referred immediately to a health centre, and should not be given measles vaccine again.

In around 20% of children, a mild fever lasting one to three days may occur approximately one week after immunization. A few children (less than 5%) develop a mild rash. Injection-site abscess or severe allergic reactions including rash, breathing difficulty and fainting occur very rarely. Table 3.2 gives a summary of the possible adverse events following measles vaccination and how to manage them.

Table 3.2  Management of adverse events following immunization with measles vaccine.
Adverse eventManagementComments
Low-grade fever Slight rashGive paracetamol syrup (5 ml) up to 4 dosesUsually lasts 1 to 3 days
Abscess at injection siteAmoxicillin syrup orally three times dailyRefer urgently to a higher health facility
Severe rash, breathing difficulty, loss of consciousnessDo not give measles vaccine again Refer the child to a health centre immediately

Table 3.3 summarises what you should know about measles vaccine.

Table 3.3  Summary of measles vaccine immunization characteristics.
Type of vaccineLive-attenuated antiviral vaccine
Number of dosesOne in routine EPI schedule, plus one in supplementary campaigns
ScheduleAt 9 months in the EPI; after 12 months in campaigns
Additional early doseAt 6 months in some circumstances (see Section 3.3.2)
ContraindicationsSevere allergic reaction to previous dose
Adverse eventsFever, rash and (rarely) severe allergic reaction or abscess (see Section 3.3.4)
Special precautionsNone
Dosage0.5 ml
Injection siteOuter upper arm
Injection typeSubcutaneous
StorageStore between +2°C and +8°C (Note: the vaccine powder may be frozen for long-term storage, but not the diluent or the reconstituted vaccine)

3.3.3  Effectiveness of measles vaccine

3.3.5  Vitamin A supplements and measles prevention