Introducing ourselves

In the first parts of the course we will introduce ourselves and introduce the ideas behind the use of a wiki, including reviewing a couple of existing wikis to see how they are used in teaching and learning. But first we need to know who else is on the course as we will be sharing our thoughts and experiences with each other.

Activity 1 Getting to know others on the course

Timing: 30 minutes during the first week of the course, plus another 30 minutes to respond to others (1 hour total, online)

falseThe objectives of this course activity are to:

  • get to know the other participants on this course
  • begin to think about how wikis are used (by using one).

1.1 Introduce yourself by going to the course wiki and adding something about you on your group page. You will be asked to add an image and link to a website that says something about where you live or work.

1.2 Who else is on the course? Look at the other pages in the wiki, reading what others have written. Go to the Introductions discussion in the course forum and meet the other members of the course. Briefly tell them why you chose this course and share your experience of using the wiki.