V23p2: Writing using multimodal approaches KS2

Course information

You will need access to:

  • a computer with a web browser
  • headset (including microphone and speakers) for online tutorials (optional webcam)
  • a class/group of students – groups could be within classes, whole classes, or groups across classes (e.g. clubs) and schools (e.g. clusters of schools or in collaborative projects).

Duration of the course: The core of these materials is a project that lasts for half a term during which time you will access online resources. If you are signed up to use these materials as part of a course you will be supported by a facilitator with expertise in your area and will be expected to interact with others. You should allow for about one to two hours per week for this on top of the time taken to do the project in your classroom or other setting.

This course has been produced by UKLA in conjunction with Vital.

Learning outcomes