Learning outcomes
N.B. The technology or technologies to be used are identified in the Resources section for the course.
Professional and reflective practitioner skills
On completion of this course, you should be able to:
- scaffold children's learning through multimodal planning
- evaluate the impact of the project on the attainment of children
- reflect on and discuss the impact of the use of ICT to support children's multimodal learning
- share your learning with colleagues.
Practical skills
On completion of this course, you should be able to:
- select visual texts to engage children and improve their writing
- use ICT to engage and improve the quality of children's writing
- use a wider range of teaching approaches to engage children in their literacy learning.
Knowledge and understanding
On completion of this course, you should be able to demonstrate an understanding of:
- what multimodality is and the importance of incorporating the children's highly multimodal environment within your classroom
- secure subject knowledge when selecting and using multimodal texts
- the meta-language of multimodal texts
- children's progress in production of multimodal texts.
Cognitive skills
On completion of this course, you should be able to:
- critically review the use of ICT to support multimodal teaching and learning in literacy
- share these reviews with others and be willing to constructively critique others’ views.
Course information