Building Partnerships Map
This module will support your understanding and use of the Building Partnerships Map Tool from the DIY Toolkit. You should look at the Building Partnerships Map Template which can be found on page 24 of the DIY Toolkit [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , before working through the module. You will find it helpful to have a printout of the template with you while you work through this module.
The Building Partnerships Map is a tool that can be used to facilitate the creation and development of a partnership. Development challenges are often tackled using a partnership approach. Combining your capacities and resources with those of other organisations can help to achieve greater progress towards a common goal or shared vision.
It takes a considerable investment of resources to work in partnership and grow the working relationships required for effective collaboration. The Building Partnerships Map breaks down the development of a partnership into stages, which helps you to anticipate difficulties and challenges as well as think through and plan ways to develop the partnership at each stage.
The Building Partnerships Map tool of the DIY Toolkit should be considered as a guide and can be modified to suit your purposes.
Learning outcomes
After studying this module, you should be able to:
- describe the Building Partnerships Map and explain when it can be useful and appropriate (SAQ 1)
- identify key activities involved at each stage of the Building Partnerships Map (SAQ 2)
- plan a partnership process using the Building Partnerships Map tool (SAQ 3)
- explain how and when to use the Building Partnerships Map to resolve difficulties and challenges (SAQ 4).