4 Assessment

Assessment can be used to support learning. It does not only demonstrate achievement and ‘passing’ a course. It also:

  • acts as a powerful tool for teaching
  • coupled with feedback from the trainer, helps students to improve their learning and achieve better outcomes
  • is a source of encouragement and builds confidence.

The DIY Learn modules incorporate two types of informal assessment: in-text activities with immediate feedback in the main text, and self-assessment questions (SAQs) at the end of the module. Students should answer these questions to help reinforce their studies and assess their own progress.

In-text activities are intended to engage the student in ‘active’ reading. This reinforces learning more effectively than giving information passively.

SAQs provide an opportunity for students and for you as the trainer to assess whether students have achieved against the learning outcomes for the module. The SAQs help students to see what they have learned well and identify what they may need to revise or ask you about.

Note that, in the printed version of the modules, the SAQ answers are all included at the back of the book. In the online version, the answers appear below the question by clicking on the ‘Check your answer’ or 'Reveal answer/discussion' button.

The DIY Learn modules provide a semi-formal means of assessment through the quiz at the end of each topic. Mozilla Open Badges verify that the student has completed the module, linking back to the qualifying criteria and verifying evidence, and can be recognised by employers and other agencies as a measure of skill and achievement.

For further formal assessment, you may wish to develop further assignments based on the DIY Learn modules. These could be designed to meet criteria and test learning outcomes set by an accrediting institution or organisation. For example, the assessment could be linked to progress towards a partnership agreement or funding award.

5 Using DIY Learn modules for classroom teaching