3 Digital communications media

It is important to have an appreciation of the most common forms of communication and also what the future holds in relation to how children will communicate (and how information will be communicated to children). Having a good awareness of and expressing the appropriate uses of different communications media is often overlooked when teaching e-safety at Key Stage 3, but it is an important starting point for children when introducing e-safety in the classroom.

The following video highlights some key digital communications media. You can also see an insight as to what the future could hold.

While watching the video, think about the types of digital communications media that you use; and what your children use. What other digital communications media do children engage with?

http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=iu0ztxdsFis [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]


How would you want to teach the different communications media to children?

With communications media come many opportunities for children but also many potential dangers. How would you prioritise the teaching of the main types of communications media and the opportunities and potential dangers it brings to children?

How will you prepare your teaching for future communications media?

2 ICT Programme of Study/curriculum

4 Passwords and personal information