7 Digital footprints

At Key Stage 3, the importance of a digital footprint may not be apparent to children. At Key Stage 4, however, it may be appreciated more by children as they will start looking at job and college applications. Digital footprints in relation to personal information including contact details and photographs is still a relevant area to introduce to children at Key Stage 3.

Many children at Key Stage 3 will use social networking websites such as Facebook and will engage in instant messaging and email communications. It is important for children to understand that everything they post online, every text message they send and any other digital communications medium used can leave a digital footprint.


Do a Google search on yourself to see if you can find any information about you that can be located publically online. Do an image search as well to see what pictures of yourself you can find.

Using the links below, gain an overview of the different issues that a digital footprint can have on individuals, including posting pictures/videos online and posting messages online:

Did you find anything that you thought was something that could/should have stayed private?

What do you think the implications are of leaving a digital footprint as (i) a child and (ii) a teacher?

How can a digital footprint have a positive impact on an individual and how can it have a negative impact on an individual?

Have you ever posted something online (messages, video or pictures) and thought on reflection that it was a bad idea?

Why is it important in certain situations to use anonymous names or logins/usernames when you know you will be posting frequent online messages?

Do your children understand the importance of this?

Is there any guidance for staff at your school regarding this?

In relation to the ‘Ratemyteachers’ website, reflect upon how children and other people can have a direct impact on your digital footprint (even if it may be untrue). Do you think that children will talk about their teachers on Facebook and through instant messenger?

Do you talk about children on your Facebook page and if so do you think it is appropriate?

Can it get you into trouble?

8 Viruses and malware