What is botany?

Botany = the scientific study of plant life

Botany includes:

  • Classification - the way that plants can be put into groups
  • Physiology - what plants look like, what they are made from and the processes that occur within them
  • Genetics - how they have evolved and how they can be changed by breeding or genetic modification
  • Ecology - where they live and how they interact with their surroundings
  • Economics - the importance of plant sales as food, ornamentals, medicine and cut flowers for example

Why is the study of botany important?

Area Example
Increasing yield for crops Amount of strawberry fruits produced per plant
Environmental protection Understanding native plants and ecosystems
Improving plant characteristics Better flower or leaf form, size or colour
Increased economic productivity Growing plants more cost effectively
Developments in medicine A new drug derived from goji berries has been found to treat deadly tropical diseases
Developments in construction Not just improved timber growth rate or strength but other materials such as rubber are derived from plants
Developments in textiles Replacements for plastic based products – replacing plastic fleece with bamboo or hemp
Energy Biofuels
Pollution reduction Some plants remove toxic pollutants from soil
Selection of flowers used in aromatherapy

Photo by Mareefe from PxHere / CC0 1.0

Now go to Part 1: Classification and naming of plants

Last modified: Thursday, 6 April 2023, 11:25 AM