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Explore the worlds of ancient Greece and Rome

History & The Arts
HeadStart Classical Studies
Explore the worlds of ancient Greece and Rome with this collection of free courses on the classical world.

History & The Arts
Exploring Homer’s Odyssey
This free course introduces Homer’s ancient Greek epic poem, the Odyssey, which tells of Odysseus’ long journey home after fighting in the Trojan War, and his eventual reunion with his wife Penelope. Odysseus is famous for his cunning and his courage, and for the exploits he undertakes on his travels; meanwhile Penelope is renowned for her ...

History & The Arts
Herodotus and the invention of history
With the information explosion online, how can you tell fake news from the real thing, or be more sensitive to how information can be weaponised? In the fifth-century BCE, a Greek by the name of Herodotus faced a similar challenge when he set out to examine why his people, the Greeks, and the Persians went to war with each other. Chief among his...

History & The Arts
The many guises of the emperor Augustus
This free course focuses on Rome’s first emperor, Augustus, who lived from 63 BCE to 14 CE. The rule of Augustus marked a significant political change in Rome, and Augustus’ position as emperor was initially fragile and controversial. Key to his success in holding onto power was his masterful use of visual propaganda to cement his position and ...
New to OpenLearn this week...

Health, Sports & Psychology
Creative Arts, Health and Wellbeing
How does engaging with the arts affect our health and wellbeing? This collection explores how the arts can help with a healthy society.

Education & Development
Exploring youth violence: what would you do?
Urban youth violence is a global problem that goes beyond policing and is best understood when viewed from a political economic and youth development perspective.

Health, Sports & Psychology
The trailblazers of 2024 launch women’s sport into an exciting 2025
Women’s sport continued to rise in popularity in 2024. Review the key players for 2024 and explore the potential up-and-comers for 2025 in this article.

Health, Sports & Psychology
Mental health in society
In this free course, Mental health in society, you will explore and critically reflect on mental health. You will explore the relationship between the lived experiences of individuals, and the society and environment in which they live. Different perspectives, approaches and models of understanding and critiquing mental health will be explored ...
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