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Free course

An appreciative approach to inquiry

Free statement of participation on completion
An appreciative approach to inquiry
This free course, An appreciative approach to inquiry, is designed to support groups of practitioners or individuals adopt an appreciative inquiry approach to reflecting, questioning, and developing their collective or individual practices. It is particularly aimed at those working in education at any level and any context to engage in teacher inquiry, practitioner research or scholarship. Through structured activities introducing the 4D model of appreciative inquiry, you will use story techniques to identify existing strengths.


Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • explain the differences between problem-focused and appreciative- and generative-focused forms of inquiry
  • identify positive aspects of practice which have the potential for building from and be able to re-orientate a problem towards taking a more appreciative stance
  • explain the limitations of target/outcome action-planning and devise a game plan for inquiry which allows you to be improvisatory and responsive to the complexities of educational inquiry
  • tell your story of inquiry in ways that move others towards a shared vision of possible future practices.

First Published: 30/01/2023

Updated: 30/01/2023

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