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Breaking Bad News: Track 1


How do you tell someone that they're dying? And how will they respond to the news? This series explores different ways of breaking bad news and looks at the impact of how the news is delivered has upon the person hearing it.

Track 1: Breaking bad news about sudden death

How do you tell a parent that their child has died? In this film a policeman describes the way he broke the news of Rosie Brown's death to her mother and the techniques he uses to break bad news as well as possible.

Tracks in this podcast:

Track Title Description
1 Breaking bad news about sudden death How do you tell a parent that their child has died? In this film a policeman describes the way he broke the news of Rosie Brown's death to her mother and the techniques he uses to break bad news as well as possible. Play now Breaking bad news about sudden death
2 Hearing bad news about sudden death What's it like to receive the news that your child has died? One night Rosie Brown was late home. Her Mum describes hearing the knock at the door, describes her response to the way the policeman broke the news and reveals how she felt. Play now Hearing bad news about sudden death
3 Breaking bad news about anticipated death How do you tell someone that they are suffering from an incurable disease? When Lucy's results revealed that she would not recover from cancer the hospital consultant was forced to break some unwelcome news. In this film she describes the thought processes she went through as she prepared to tell Lucy. Play now Breaking bad news about anticipated death
4 Hearing bad news about anticipated death What is it like to be told you are going to die? Cancer-sufferer Lucy describes her illness, her reaction to being told that she would not recover and her feelings about the way this news was broken to her. Play now Hearing bad news about anticipated death
5 Breaking Bad News (Combined) How do you tell someone that they're dying? And how will they respond to the news? This series explores different ways of breaking bad news and looks at the impact of how the news is delivered has upon the person hearing it. Play now Breaking Bad News (Combined)

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