Mental health service users often feel - and often are - disempowered from taking control of their own destiny. The video tracks on this album tell the story of people who have been confined to the psychiatric wing of a large Northern hospital. Scripted and acted by mental health service users/survivors, A Quiet Night on Roundhay Wing presents an insiders' perspective on the people and practices that have dominated – and defined – their lives, often over many years. Although the events portrayed did not actually take place, it is a true story in the sense that it is grounded in and reflects people's real experiences. The audio tracks explore some of the issues raised by the drama, and present perspectives on the album from Ann Mitchell, lecturer in mental health nursing at The Open University. The material forms part of The Open University course K272, Challenging ideas in mental health.
An abstract dramatisation set in the year 2000. We are introduced to Roundhay Ward, a psychiatric wing of a large hospital in Leeds.
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A quiet night on Roundhay Wing
A patient (Jonathan X) wakes up from a dream surrounded by 3 lost souls. They tell him the only way he can be released form the spell of Roundhay ward is to see Remo - the terrifying shape shifting dictator.
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The lost souls
Jonathan X goes to meet Remo with the lost souls, demanding to be released from the spell. He tells them to go and seek the King of the magic bullet makers.
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The journey begins
Jonathan X and the lost souls start their perilous journey to the magic bullet makers. They find one, and demand he tells them where to find the King.
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The eternal day centre
Jonathan X and the lost souls find the King, and confront him about his spell over Roundhey Ward, demanding their release. All are surprised by his response…
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Nobody's fools
Two people with differing views on Mental Health as Business, in particular the use of medication. The discussion is chaired by Liz Barclay.
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Mental health - business or service?
Ann Mitchell of the K272 course team talks about her own background and the philosophy that underpins The Open University course.
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Challenging stereotypes
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