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Introducing Health Sciences: Visual Impairment: Track 1


Partial or total loss of sight affects millions of people worldwide. Many cases are preventable or curable, but simple interventions are not available in some poorer countries. The 15 video tracks in this album explore the impact of visual impairment and corrective treatments. Derek Child explains how he learned to adapt to losing his sight and the training that helps him stay mobile and independent. Experts from Contamac reveal the science behind lens production. The Good Health Train brings basic health care to poor communities in rural South Africa, where locals live without access to treatments for common problems like cataract surgery. This material forms part of The Open University course SDK125 Introducing health sciences: a case study approach.

Track 1: Introducing Health Sciences: Visual Impairment

A short introduction to this album

Tracks in this podcast:

Track Title Description
1 Introducing Health Sciences: Visual Impairment A short introduction to this album Play now Introducing Health Sciences: Visual Impairment
2 Visual Impairment: Derek 's Story Derek Child describes how he felt when he lost his sight. Play now Visual Impairment: Derek 's Story
3 Training techniques Derek talks about long cane training and his decision to do guide dog training. Play now Training techniques
4 Dealing with External Environment Derek describes the difficulties faced on the streets today and the interaction he has with strangers. Play now Dealing with External Environment
5 Returning to Work A demonstration of the software and technology Derek uses in his office Play now Returning to Work
6 Retaining Independence How Derek found the motivation to do training and remain employed. Play now Retaining Independence
7 Inequalities of Opportunity Derek highlights the issues that affect the daily lives of people with visual impairment Play now Inequalities of Opportunity
8 How Contact Lenses Work An ophthalmologist outlines the differences between hard and soft lenses Play now How Contact Lenses Work
9 Lens Material A Contamac polymer chemist explains the science behind lens manufacture, Play now Lens Material
10 The Development Lab at Contamac The Materials Development Manager shows how they formulate the lens material to make it strong and comfortable for the wearer. Play now The Development Lab at Contamac
11 Lens Testing Once the polymer disks are formulated. The lenses change from their fluid state to hard polymer. Play now Lens Testing
12 Final Stage Production of Lenses The Lab Manager at Contamac demonstrates how they cut, polish and hydrate the finished lens. Play now Final Stage Production of Lenses
13 Treating Sight Loss in South Africa The good health train, Pelophepa is on a mission to bring health care to rural communities Introducing Dr Lillian Clingo. Manager of the train. Play now Treating Sight Loss in South Africa
14 A Day on the Good Health Train The extremely limited access poor people in South Africa have to basic healthcare. Local teenager Toboa gets some new glasses. Play now A Day on the Good Health Train
15 UK Cataract Surgery Modern surgical techniques to treat diabetic retinopathy. Play now UK Cataract Surgery
16 Access to Healthcare in South Africa In rural communities eye disease continues to be the sort of thing that won't get proper treatment. Play now Access to Healthcare in South Africa

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