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It's easy to get distracted. Losing concentration when driving can have serious consequences. Try our interactive test and you'll be asked to complete a task whilst travelling along a road. It sounds easy, but is it?
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Try our interactive test to see if you're a distracted driver
Are you driven to distraction?
Can you drive safely and work effectively at the same time? If you ever need to make your vehicle a mobile office, by having hands free phone conversations, how confident are you that neither your work, nor your driving suffers?
Level: 1 Introductory
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Advertising signs, colour of people clothes,road sign recognition these items are processed so fast by your brain that your actions respond accordingly ( or should do ) I.E. lollipop man...signals school & small children etc.....and what can happen if you are distracted.
I believe that this is a good test and should be in fact part of the Learner Driver course.
Quality of the visual and audio. I was unable to move the video to full screen during the test, but was in the latter recap.
When driving if I pass a billboard advertising 'elephants', I may or may not remember it, I don't need this information, I don't need to know what other road users are wearing, clown suits or superman outfits..
Once I have passed a road sign I don't need to know what it said, I should already have adjusted to it. That is part of the reason for speed signs being repeated at given distances.
The phone conversation was in fact a monologue, similar to listening to a poor radio broadcast, is the suggestion that having a radio on in the car also distracting. Most people having any conversation by phone are more considerate they wait for your response, like with older tech. where each person ended their part with '...over', I know people don't say this any more but there are pauses which imply it.
In general I agree with Rwth's comments.In this I was a passenger not the driver, not a good test.