These presentations, given by speakers from universities across Wales, provides an opportunity to:
- Learn about excellent psychological research happening in Wales and beyond
- Understand the impact psychological research has many areas of everyday life
- Hear about the breath of areas in psychology and the diversity this field offers
For anyone who is a psychology student, the presentations may also provide a chance to develop ideas for your own project or research study.
The presentations took place on Thursday 27 January 2022 as part of the OpenTalks series of events run by The Open University in Wales. The event was also made possible by the British Psychological Society.
Read more about the speakers and their presentations below.
Keynote lecture: Child language brokering as a family care practice: Reframing the ‘parentified child’ debate
Professor Sarah Crafter
Professor of Cultural-Developmental Psychology
The Open University
This presentation explores the perspectives of young people who act as child language brokers. These are children and young people who translate and interpret for family members, local community and peers following migration to a new country. There has been considerable debate within the field of child language brokering about whether the practice poses a risk to children’s wellbeing and impacts negatively on parent-child relationships. Child language brokering as an activity takes place across a wide variety of contexts such as banks, retail, healthcare, law, the home, housing and social care. When language brokering situations are challenging, these difficult encounters often take place between figures of authority and their families in predominantly white public spaces.
The increased responsibility taken-on by child language brokers has been likened to the concept of ‘parentification’ or ‘role reversal’, which suggests parents’ authority is suppressed within the family dynamics because child language brokers find themselves in situations where they are assigned roles usually reserved for parents. Opponents of this idea argue against the notion of a role reversal during language brokering, reframing the activity as a family care practice that bears resemblances to other forms of caring responsibilities. Drawing on debates about language brokering as a family care practice, the ‘parentified child’ and discussions about non-normative childhoods, the analysis will highlight how the role played by the adult ‘other,’ coupled with a sometimes-hostile sociocultural context, can exaggerate tensions or facilitate interactions in the parent-child relationship. The young people’s views and experiences illuminate how they navigate these complexities.
Online Interventions for the Treatment of Movement Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease
Dr Joshua Payne
Chair of British Psychological Society (Welsh Branch)
Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, Wrexham Glyndŵr University
Remote Instruction of Language and Literacy
Dr Manon Jones
Senior Lecturer in the School of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Director of the Miles Dyslexia Centre, Bangor University
Examining Gender Traits Across the World
Associate Professor Paul B. Hutchings
Assistant Director, Centre for Psychology and Counselling
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
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OpenTalks is a series of events run by The Open University in Wales. OpenTalks work to engage the public with The OU’s research and aims to make academics’ work inspiring and accessible to communities in Wales. This supports institutional aims to make education open to all and supports wider OU work to build an informed, engaged and prosperous Wales.
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