• What do you think about Rihanna using spyware?
• Is it ever OK to look at your partner’s private chats or messages?
I-Spy: Episode 2
Episode two of the five-part online infidelity drama I-SPY: Rihanna finds out about Oliver’s online flirting and talks on the phone to a friend about it, whilst checking out Minnie’s Facechat profile.
Level: 1 Introductory
I-Spy: Episode 3
Episode three of the five-part online infidelity drama I-SPY: Rhianna tries to find evidence on the web for Oliver’s alleged infidelity and the couple argues with each other on Oliver’s late return from the pub.
Level: 1 Introductory
I-Spy: Episode 4
Episode four of the five-part online infidelity drama I-SPY: Oliver believes Rhianna has ‘crossed the line’ and sets up a meeting with Minnie.
Level: 1 Introductory
I Spy: Episode 5
Episode five of the five-part online infidelity drama I-SPY: Finding out about Oliver’s plans Rhianna rushes to the hotel where she thinks Oliver will meet Minnie.
Level: 1 Introductory
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In my opinion flirting online is equivalent to cheating and it suggests there is something missing from the relationship which should be fixed or broken up. Seeking enjoyment elsewhere is never OK without the other person’s consent and knowledge.
Jane Findlay - 28 November 2016 7:18pm
I think it's ok to have spyware on home computers especially if there are children using it. I don't think she installed it with any intent to check up on him.
He knew he was doing wrong flirting with Minnie - he panicked when his son came in the room. He should have stopped it there and then.
Jacqueline Pearce - 30 November 2016 10:00am
"I don't think she installed it with any intent to check up on him."
I'm not so sure Jane. Shouldn't she have told him that she had installed the spyware on a computer that was a gift to HIM? Also, she says that she thought he would like a laptop because of all the online chatting that he does on his phone.
It looks to me that there is a good chance her motive for getting the laptop was to monitor these onlone chats of his.
The guy is acting like he knows the way he is chatting with "Minnie" is wrong, ie. hiding the conversation when the child appears and deleting the conversationn when he is done. On the flip side, secretly monitoring a partner's conversations is dubious behaviour, and I've heard/seen it talked about as a sign of controlling behaviour in a relationship.
I can see why this scenario has been used as a topic for debate.