The geography of the Classical world
You will now be given the opportunity to gain some background knowledge of places and regions in the Classical world. The aim is to give you a grasp of this geography so that as you learn more about the Classical world, you will be able to locate the places you study and put them in relation to one another without having to consult a map all the time.
Activity 9
Click on the link below to open Map 1
Map 1 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
Click on the link below to open Map 2 part 1
Click on the link below to open Map 2 part 2
Locate the following places on Map 1 (‘Greece and the Aegean World’) or Map 2 parts 1 and 2 (‘The Hellenistic World’) in the OCCC. The grid locations are provided to help you locate the places on the map, and all places are on Map 1 unless stated otherwise.
Regions: Macedonia Ba, Thrace Ca, Thessaly Bb, Euboea Bc/Cc, Boetia Bc, Phocis Bc, Attica Cc, Peloponnese Ac/Bc/Bd, Argolis Bc, Arcadia Bc, Messenia Ad/Bd, Laconia Bd, Ionia Dc, Lydia Eb, Phrygia Fb, Caria Ec.
Islands: Cyprus Cc (on Map 2), Crete Ac (on Map 2), Rhodes Ed, Samos Dc, Chios Dc, Lesbos Db, Lemnos Cb, Delos Cc, Naxos Dd, Melos Cd, Aegina Bc, Ithaca Ac, Salamis Bc.
Seas: Ionian (not named on map but west of Greece), Aegean (not named on map but between Greece and Asia Minor), Black Sea Ba/ Ca/Bb/Cb (on Map 2), Hellespont Da.
Cities: Sparta Bd, Messene Bd, Olympia Ac, Argos Bc, Mycenae Bc, Corinth Bc, Thebes Bc, Delphi Bc, Athens Cc, Marathon Cc, Troy Db, Mytilene Db, Pergamum Eb, Smyrna Ec, Sardis Ec, Ephesus Ec, Miletus Ec, Plataea Bc.
Rivers: Strymon Ba/Ca, Eurymedon, Maeander Ec.
Mountains and passes: Thermopylae Bc, Olympus Bb, Ida (as in the BHAG map), Parnassus Bc, Helicon Bc.
Click on the link below to open Map 3
Locate the following places on Map 3 (‘Italy’) in the OCCC. The grid locations are provided to help you locate the places on the map.
Regions: Latium Bb, Etruria Ab, Sabina (marked as Sabines after the people who lived there) Bb, Campania Bc, Lucania Bc/Cc.
Islands: Corsica Ab, Sardinia Ac, Sicily Bd.
Seas: Tyrhennian (not named on map but west of Italy and between Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily), Adriatic (not named on map but between Italy and Dalmatia).
Cities: Mediolanum Aa, Verona Aa, Aquileia Ba, Clusium Ab, Cosa Ab, Tarquinii Ab, Ostia Bb, Rome Bb, Capua Bc, Neapolis Bb, Pompeii Bc, Paestum Bc, Elea Bc, Tarantum Cc, Panormus Bd, Selinus Bd, Agrigentum Bd, Gela Bd, Syracuse Bd, Catana Bd.
Rivers: Tiber Bb.
Click on the link below to open Map 4
Click on the link below to open Map 5
Locate the following places on Map 4 (‘The Roman Empire (Central and Eastern Provinces)’) or Map 5 (‘The Roman Empire (Western Provinces)’) in the OCCC. The grid locations are provided to help you locate the places on the map.
Cities: Carthage Ac (on Map 4), Alexandria Dd (on Map 4), Antioch Ec (on Map 4), Byzantium Db (on Map 4), Sardis Dc, Massilia Cc (on Map 5), Lugdunum Cc (on Map 5), Londinium Cb (on Map 5), Narbo Bc (on Map 5), Tarraco Bc (on Map 5), Carthago Nova Bd (on Map 5), Augusta Emerita Ad (on Map 5).