5 Writing in practice
In this final activity, you will have the opportunity to apply the insights and approaches you have gleaned from ‘reading as a writer’ to your own writing, by producing a creative piece in your chosen genre.
Activity 7 (writing activity)
Choose one of the following four genres in which to write your creative piece: fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry or scriptwriting.
In your chosen genre, pick a single text you have read (or media work you have listened to/viewed) that inspires you. It can be the same text or media work you wrote about earlier, for the activity in Section 2 Reading and creative writing, or a different one.
Identify some element(s) of the text or media work that you want to try applying to your own writing. This can be anything – for example, point of view, diction, subject matter or theme, form or structure. Jot down some notes on this in the box below.
Drawing on your notes above, write a short creative piece that makes use of or incorporates the elements you just identified. For fiction, creative nonfiction, or scriptwriting, aim for around 1000 words or 4–5 pages; for poetry, around 40 lines or 1–2 pages. You can complete this however you like – whether that’s using the text box below, a word processor, or writing on paper.