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Minds and mental phenomena: an introduction
Minds and mental phenomena: an introduction

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Further reading

General introductions to the philosophy of mind tend to be ahistorical and vary greatly in accessibility and coverage. E.J. Lowe covers virtually the whole range of topics in his An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind (2000). For less coverage but more detail see Jaegwon Kim's slightly more advanced but excellent Philosophy of Mind (1996). Tim Crane's The Elements of Mind (2001) is another very good but more advanced introduction to current issues and contains one of the best recent introductions to the idea of intentionality. Samuel Guttenplan's Mind's Landscape (2000) offers a more accessible introduction to intentionality and other aspects of mind and has influenced my own presentation of some of the issues, as has William Lyon's Matters of Mind (2001), which is a very readable history of twentieth-century philosophy of mind. Daniel Dennett's Kinds of Minds (1996) is a popular introduction to an evolutionary perspective on mind with reflections on animal and robot minds. Two of the best collections of classic and recent essays in the philosophy of mind are The Nature of Mind, edited by David Rosenthal (1991) and Mind and Cognition (1st and 2nd editions), edited by William Lycan (1990 and 1999). Those interested in the history of the concept of mind and the etymology of ‘mind’ and related words in various ancient and modern languages should consult Paul MacDonald's History of the Concept of Mind. Speculations about Soul, Mind and Spirit from Homer to Hume (2003). Fascinating discussions of disorders of mind can be found in the works of several neurologists and neuroscientists, such as V.S. Ramachandran's Reith Lectures The Emerging Mind (2003) and Ramachandran and Sandra Blakeslee's, Phantoms in the Brain (1998). See also Antonio Damasio's Descartes's Error (1994), which investigates the link between emotion and rationality, and Oliver Sacks's The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat (1986), a collection of short literary essays on case histories.