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Results: 46 items

What can I do about my mental health when I don’t have the support I need? article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

What can I do about my mental health when I don’t have the support I need?

What can you do if you're not comfortable talking about mental health issues with your peers? Dr Jonathan Leach and Dr Mathijs Lucassen set out six ways of getting the support you need.

10 mins
Budgeting for University video icon

Education & Development

Budgeting for University

Hanna from the Student Recruitment Team at Cardiff Met is joined by Student Money Advisor Abbie and student Georgina to share some top tips on budgeting for uni.

5 mins
You and your money free course icon level 1: introductory icon

Money & Business

You and your money

An important aspect of personal finance is the way in which individuals and households manage their debt, how much it costs and the different types of credit they can or cannot access. This free course, You and your money, explores these issues, with respect to the wider, changing, social and economic context.

Free course
12 hrs
How to age well while self-isolating video icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

How to age well while self-isolating

People have been made to isolate to delay the spread of COVID-19 but there are several risks of self-isolation to older people. This article and video offer some tips on how to combat these.

10 mins
FREE Mental Health Tips and Resources article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

FREE Mental Health Tips and Resources

The last three years have seen people's mental health and wellbeing tested like almost never before. Concerns over health, isolation, family, finance, careers and education have affected us all in one way or another, so it's vital we all take the time to consider our own mental health and wellbeing, as well as those around us. Here are some FREE...

15 mins
Making sense of mental health problems free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Making sense of mental health problems

Over the past century there has been a radical shift in responses to people who experience mental health problems. In this free course, Making sense of mental health problems, you will learn about how key perspectives in the field have made sense of mental health problems. By directly relating key perspectives to a case study, you will reflect ...

Free course
10 hrs
Exploring issues in women's health free course icon level 2: intermediate icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Exploring issues in women's health

This free course, Exploring issues in women's health, will introduce social model approaches to health and wellbeing, which take as their starting point not the scientific context of the body, but the social context in which women live. The focus is on women and the impact of social and cultural factors on women's health. The course touches...

Free course
3 hrs
Five reasons why you should care about mindfulness article icon

Health, Sports & Psychology

Five reasons why you should care about mindfulness

Mindfulness is about focusing on the present moment, whilst at the same time accepting your feelings, thoughts, and body’s sensations. But why does mindfulness matter?

10 mins
Everyday maths 1 free course icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Everyday maths 1

This free course, Everyday maths 1, is designed to bring your learning to life, inspiring you to improve your current maths skills or helping you to remember any areas that you may have forgotten. Working through the examples and interactive activities in this course will help you to, among other things, run a household or make progress in your ...

Free course
48 hrs
Personal branding for career success free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Money & Business

Personal branding for career success

This free course, Personal branding for career success, considers what a personal brand is and whether you currently have one. You’ll look in detail at theories and examples of personal branding, and relevant marketing processes and practices. You’ll identify the values, skills, knowledge and expertise that you want to promote to employers, and ...

Free course
24 hrs
Introducing the voluntary sector free course icon level 1: introductory icon Badge icon

Money & Business

Introducing the voluntary sector

This free course, Introducing the voluntary sector, will guide you through some of the distinctive features and values of the voluntary sector, how organisations are funded and involve volunteers and other ‘stakeholders’ in their work. It will also provide you with knowledge and skills you can apply to your own work or volunteering as well as ...

Free course
24 hrs
Exploring anxiety free course icon level 3: advanced icon

Science, Maths & Technology

Exploring anxiety

This free advanced level course, Exploring anxiety, serves as an introduction to masters level study in neurosciences and mental health. Focusing on anxiety, you will consider key issues concerning diagnosis, causes and interventions. You will also learn how to evaluate news items, and to go behind the headlines and begin to explore some of the ...

Free course
9 hrs