1.1 Identifying the skills gaps in my sector
Identifying the skills gaps in the sector you want to pursue a career in can help to give you an advantage when applying for jobs in the future. If you know where the shortages are, you can spend some time seeking opportunities to build those skills and then present your evidence in job applications. Activity 1 will help you to identify those gaps.
Activity 1 Where are the skills gaps?
Use your favourite search engine to explore skills gaps in your preferred sector(s). Make notes about your findings in the box below.
The relevant professional body website could be a good place to start. To find the relevant website search the list of professional associations in the United Kingdom [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .
Prospects sector pages could also provide some useful insight.
If you can identify where the gaps are now, you could look for work experience, or other opportunities, that will help you build those skills, giving you a future advantage when applying for jobs.