3.2 Other services supporting two-factor authentication

This section is part of the amber and green pathways.
You may be surprised at the range of services and products that provide two-factor authentication. You’ll consider these in the next activity.
Activity 1 Two-factor authentication
Consider the questions below and record your short response to them in the text box provided.
- Does your bank or credit card company use two-factor authentication, either online or via telephone banking? If so, what form does it take?
- What kind of two-factor authentication is used by shops that you use in the high street?
- What kind of two-factor authentication is used by shops that you use online?
Hint: One example is putting in the security code from the back of your credit card (the last three digits) to prove that you have the card in your possession, in addition to entering your password (something you know) to correctly log in to the online shopping website.
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Next, you will have an opportunity to review your learning in the end-of-week practice test.