Week 2: Authentication

Cory introduces you to Week 2 of the course.
Last week you explored the security threats that could affect your ability to stay secure online. You also learned how to keep your knowledge of these threats up to date.
This week you’ll learn about the purpose of passwords and the different situations in which they are used, the ways in which attackers try to learn your password so they can impersonate you online and ways of improving the security of your passwords and online identification methods.
Important warning: This week, you will be asked to discuss different aspects of password security. It is critical that you never share your actual passwords and only discuss the general principles. If you need an example, please make one up rather than give an actual password!
Week 2 game – Operation Open Sesame
It is recommended that you use a desktop/laptop computer to play the games in this course, and use headphones where possible for the best audio experience.
Continue your learning by following the link to this week's game:
Week 2 game – Operation Open Sesame (open this link in a new tab/window so you can come back here easily after playing the game) [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
A note on learning pathways
Learning pathways are a recommendation only – you may choose to follow your own learning pathway and complete all sections, if you feel this will help you to complete the end of week quiz successfully.
Please note:
- The Amber pathway includes the extended topics of the week.
- The Green Pathway does NOT include the extended topics of the week.