2.8 Confessional
This section is part of the amber and green pathways.
It’s time to confess! Think about the following:
- Has your computer ever been infected with malware?
- Do you know the name of the malware that was involved?
- Was it a virus, worm or Trojan?
- What happened, and what were the consequences?
If you discuss this with others, remember not to share any personal information including the name of the company you work for.
Activity 1 Latest Cyber security breaches
Look up the infographic in the link provided below. The infographic will work best visually on a laptop or a tablet. Now choose any of the data breaches that occurred in the last two years that catches your attention, and answer the following questions.
https://www.informationisbeautiful.net/ visualizations/ worlds-biggest-data-breaches-hacks [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
- How many data records were breached?
- What was the nature of the attack? (e.g. was it malware, insider job)
- What type of data record was lost? (e.g names, addresses, telephone numbers)
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