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Gamified Intelligent Cyber Aptitude and Skills Training (GICAST)
Gamified Intelligent Cyber Aptitude and Skills Training (GICAST)

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5 Summary of Week 5

This shows a number of coloured blocks, numbered either 0 or 1, on top of each other.
Figure 16

This week has focused on cryptography – a key security technique that allows you to ensure confidentiality and integrity of your data.

You have learned how to use cryptography tools to secure your email and can explain the use of cryptography in common applications, such as the world wide web. As a result, you should now be able to identify where you could use cryptography to improve the protection of your digital life. One example of this, the use of cryptography to protect computer networks, is the topic for the next week of the course.

You can now go to Week 6: Network security [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .