2 John’s progression through the course
At the beginning of the course, John was unsure how much it could help him, as he felt very confident about his ability to succeed in digital environments. He was hoping it would teach him how to do things more efficiently.
John was a bit embarrassed about his digital footprint. Not everything portrayed him in a good light. The course has taught John to improve this, and he’s now deleted old posts on Facebook and Instagram and unfriended people he doesn’t know well. He’s also tightened up security on his account, to ensure that his posts are only visible to family and friends.
John is keen to progress professionally, and has recognised the power of LinkedIn to network and to promote himself to potential employers.
When it comes to safety, the course has helped John to realise where he could make improvements. Like Manuela, he now uses strong passwords and two-factor authentication. He has also installed a firewall and antivirus software to make sure that he protects the many recipes and cooking videos he has created and saved on his computer.
John is eager to share his recipes online as this would improve his online professional reputation. He feels that what he’s learned about Creative Commons and copyright will go a long way towards helping him to stay within the law, and protect his own creative rights.
John’s taskscape focused on his cookery activities, social events and interest in music. He thinks he could be more organised in terms of time management and has now been introduced to apps and tools that can help him to do this. The course has also taught him how to manage and keep track of the information he finds online. He’ll hopefully never lose track of those important recipes again.