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Getting started with French 2
Getting started with French 2

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1 Food in France

Most regions boast an impressive diversity of dishes. From bouillabaisse (a fish soup from Provence) to choucroute (a dish of sauerkraut, sausages and pork, popular in Alsace), there are dozens of dishes and drinks to try when visiting a new region. Some regional specialities, such as foie gras or champagne, have become internationally famous.

Described image
Figure 1 Le foie gras du sud-ouest

Activity 1

Part 1

Make a list of French words for food and drinks that you already know. You can also list some of your favourite French dishes.


Croissant, boeuf bourguignon

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Among others, you may know petits pois, crêpe, croque-monsieur, foie gras, crème brûlée, crème fraîche, tartiflette, brioche, baguette

Be careful: couscous in French usually means the whole dish (a spicy meat and vegetable stew served on steamed couscous grains).

Part 2

Now study the following shopping list and match each item to its English equivalent. You may need to use a dictionary.

Described image
Figure 2 Shopping list


Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. Entrées

  2. chips

  3. œufs

  4. fruits de mer

  5. crevettes

  6. moules

  7. huîtres

  8. olives

  • a.eggs

  • b.crisps

  • c.oysters

  • d.olives

  • e.Starters

  • f.prawns

  • g.seafood

  • h.mussels

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = e
  • 2 = b
  • 3 = a
  • 4 = g
  • 5 = f
  • 6 = h
  • 7 = c
  • 8 = d

Viandes/poissons :

Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. viandes

  2. poissons

  3. steak

  4. poulet

  5. truite

  • a.chicken

  • b.steak


  • d.meat

  • e.trout

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = d
  • 2 = c
  • 3 = b
  • 4 = a
  • 5 = e


Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. légumes

  2. haricots verts

  3. champignons

  4. tomates

  5. petits pois

  6. carottes

  7. oignons

  8. frites surgelées

  9. salade

  10. pommes de terre

  • a.mushrooms

  • b.tomatoes

  • c.vegetables

  • d.frozen chips

  • beans

  • f.salad leaves

  • g.potatoes

  • h.peas

  • i.carrots

  • j.onions

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = c
  • 2 = e
  • 3 = a
  • 4 = b
  • 5 = h
  • 6 = i
  • 7 = j
  • 8 = d
  • 9 = f
  • 10 = g


Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. Autres

  2. riz

  3. pâtes

  • a.Others

  • b.rice

  • c.pasta

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = a
  • 2 = b
  • 3 = c


Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. Desserts

  2. glace

  3. ananas

  4. fromage et pain

  • a.pineapple

  • b.Desserts

  • cream

  • d.bread and cheese

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = b
  • 2 = c
  • 3 = a
  • 4 = d


Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. Boissons

  2. vin

  3. eau minérale

  4. coca

  5. jus de pommes

  6. thé

  7. café

  • a.Drinks

  • b.tea


  • d.cola


  • juice

  • g.mineral water

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = a
  • 2 = e
  • 3 = g
  • 4 = d
  • 5 = f
  • 6 = b
  • 7 = c