1 Saying what you dislike
In this section you’ll start to learn how to express what you dislike.
Activity 1
Part 1
In Week 1 you looked at a note Claudette had made with what her guests like to eat and drink. She has now also included her guests dislikes. Read the note in Figure 1 and identify all the words and phrases which express dislike. Write your answers in the box below.
surtout in particular
crudités (f.pl.) raw vegetables with French dressing (typically grated carrots, beetroot, tomatoes, cucumber)
aussi as well
difficile fussy
You should have identified:
- Ahmed: n’aime pas
- Chrystelle: n’aime pas du tout
- Benoît: n’aime pas beaucoup
- Laura: déteste
- Paul: n’aime pas du tout.
Part 2
Now drag and drop the expressions to rank them in order of intensity from ‘dislike a little’, ‘dislike’, ‘strongly dislike’, to ‘hate’.
Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.
je n’aime pas beaucoup
je n’aime pas
je n’aime pas du tout
je déteste
a.strongly dislike
b.Dislike a little
- 1 = b
- 2 = c
- 3 = a
- 4 = d