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Developing Reading for Pleasure: engaging young readers
Developing Reading for Pleasure: engaging young readers

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4.6 Myth #6 Children’s progress in Reading for Pleasure cannot be measured

Children’s Reading for Pleasure cannot be assessed in standardised tests, but there are many indicators of progress that teachers can document by using a compendium of tools. Over time, this will offer a rounded picture of children’s development as readers and provide good evidence of progress. Reader-to-reader conferences, observation, surveys, parent consultations and so forth, will all give a sense of children’s changing attitudes toward reading, changes in preference and whether reading repertoires are expanding.

A toddler leaning over and looking at books in a bookcase.

Library or book borrowing records provide further information about changing reading habits. Some children may not make giant leaps, but these tools and careful documentation can capture subtle, but significant steps on a reader’s journey and enable teachers to plan responsive support. Schools may not see the impact in reading attainment tests immediately, but over time, impact on standards will become evident.