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A mentoring mindset (Meddylfryd mentora)
A mentoring mindset (Meddylfryd mentora)

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Week 4: The mentor’s role in professional learning


A word cloud of words associated with mentoring and coaching
Figure 1 A word cloud of words associated with mentoring and coaching

Having an effective mentor can make all the difference to a beginner teacher, allowing them to grow from someone who is unfamiliar with the role of a teacher into an autonomous professional. In this final week, you will study the idea of strategic mentoring and how it can fit into the whole school, and the principles of effective mentoring. Finally, you will be asked to reflect back on your learning throughout the course, and consider how you might move forward in becoming the kind of mentor you would like to be.

Activity planner
Activity Learning actions Time
Activity 1 Personalised mentoring Consider a scenario and write a 200-word reflection. 20 mins
Activity 2 The twelve principles of mentoring Watch a video and place in order the 12 principles of mentoring. 10 mins
Activity 3 The benefits of mentoring Watch a video on the benefits of mentoring. 5 mins
Activity 4 Reflecting on your own mentoring practice Watch a video and return to initial audit. 40 mins