8 Summary of Week 1
Well done! You have come to the end of Week 1.
This week you have looked at the significance of French around the world, and why it is such a useful language to learn. You have found out what la francophonie is, and how learning French gives you access to a whole host of cultures and communities. You have also thought about your own reasons for learning French.
You should now be able to:
- recall some basic facts and figures about the French language and French-speaking countries
- compare the French-speaking world with the English-speaking world, or with countries where your own language is spoken
- pinpoint your personal motivation for learning French
- identify aspects of language learning that you are good at, and what you might find particularly challenging.
Hopefully, your motivation to learn French outweighs the possible challenges you’ve identified (and which you will find effective ways of tackling). Next week you will start to look at what learning French involves. You’ll begin by looking at the French you already know – which might be more than you think!
You can now go to Week 2 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .