10 Summary of Week 6
Well done for completing Week 6!
This week you’ve been discovering how much can be gained from learning French, besides a knowledge of vocabulary and grammar and the development of your language skills. Being able to speak some French will be your passport to enjoying a wealth of new cultural experiences. Even with very limited French, you will be able to greet people, introduce yourself, and simply show your willingness to engage with other people on their own terms, and find out more about their communities and their way of life.
You should now be able to:
- recognise some of the cultural monuments and customs for which France is famous
- identify some overseas French territories
- discuss the French-speaking province of Quebec in Canada
- understand why French is a growing language in Africa
- describe how French is spoken across each continent on the planet.
Next week, you will continue to explore French-speaking cultures, by reflecting on cultural differences and how they influence people’s behaviours and expectations. You will learn about ‘intercultural communication competence’, and how you can develop this as a learner of French.
You can now go to Week 7 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .