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Why riot? Community, choices, aspirations
Why riot? Community, choices, aspirations

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Sources of support

As you study Why riot? Community, choices, aspirations, please be aware that the course contains a broad range of material relating to the experience of life in local communities in situations of conflict. It also addresses decision making around protesting and rioting and includes some opportunities for personal reflection on choices, identity and values. For some course participants, aspects of the content may be sensitive or ‘triggering’ in nature, with the potential to cause emotional distress, particularly if it resonates with negative personal experiences, or the experiences of others known to you.

If you notice a negative emotional reaction to aspects of the course materials, leading to you feeling low or anxious, you may wish to step away from the materials, to reflect and to think about whether to continue at this time. Although feeling distress can be unpleasant, we are also naturally curious about the experiences of others who may have been in similar situations at some point in their life and continuing with your learning may be beneficial in helping you to develop a better understanding of the situations you were in and of the decisions you took. If you experience an ongoing impact on your sense of wellbeing, you might consider seeking support from a trusted person, or seeking help through counselling, or from your own GP (doctor).

If you are based in the UK and feel you need any professional help to deal with the issues this course discusses, these agencies will be pleased to offer advice. Many of these resources are available not only in England and Wales but also in Scotland and Northern Ireland. There is also a list with additional/specific services for Northern Ireland/Scotland below.

Helplines and online support: England and Wales

Mind – Details of local Minds, other local services, and Mind’s Legal Advice Line.

Samaritans – 24-hour emotional support for anyone struggling to cope.

Childline – The UK’s free, 24-hour helpline for children and young people (up to age 18).

Counselling (in person or online)

Counselling can sometimes be accessed by contacting your GP, or you may opt to see a counsellor in private practice. Details of counsellors working in private practice across all areas across the UK can be found here:

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy – BACP is a membership body for counsellors and therapists. They provide information on different types of therapy, and you can search for a therapist by area.

Northern Ireland


SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health) provide local services in addition to information about mental ill health and signposting to other organisations.

Breathing Space - Breathing Space is a free and confidential phoneline service for any individual who is experiencing low mood or depression.

  • Helpline: 0800 83 85 87