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1.2 Reflections

Last week, you watched a video made by an educator called Sarah, who works in the UK. In the following activity, you will consider the video again but from a different perspective.

Activity 1 Different approaches

Timing: Allow about 20 minutes

As you watch the video, or read the transcript, consider which of the approaches Sarah mentions are synchronous and which are asynchronous.

  1. Make a list of the main tools available at your institution that can be used to teach synchronously.
  2. Make a list of the main tools available at your institution that can be used to teach asynchronously.

If possible, ask colleagues about tools they use to see if you can extend these lists.

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This activity prompts you to consider the variety of teaching tools that are available at your institution. Some of these will be supplied by the institution, but others are freely available online. Some of these tools will be introduced during the course, so you may want to return to these lists whenever you find out about a tool that you would like to add to your repertoire.