5 Summary
This week you have looked at definitions of diversity and inclusion, exploring different diversity characteristics and considering why diversity is important in the workplace. You’ve reflected on an organisation’s social and legal responsibilities and looked at some of the ways embracing diversity can support both individual and business success.
You have also started to understand that everyone has a part to play in diversity and inclusion in your workplace, and over the coming weeks you’ll become increasingly aware of the different ways in which our bias and our privilege can cause us to discriminate, sometimes without us even realising it.
You should now be able to:
- define diversity and recognise its variety
- understand the importance of inclusion in creating a diverse workplace
- explain some of the wider benefits diversity can bring to an organisation.
Next week, you’ll look more closely at some of the protected characteristics mentioned here in section 2.1, exploring what discrimination means in each of those contexts, and enhancing your awareness of current issues.
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