5 Summary of Session 2
In this session, you have thought about what makes a physical library environment accessible to stakeholders. You may not be able to design your library from scratch, but by carefully considering your library and how users interact with it, you can maximise its potential as a welcoming place for all.
You also discussed the importance of considering your entire school community in your collection management. A wide range of factors may influence the resources you purchase and the materials you stock, so being aware of your school’s demographics can help you target your provision efficiently. Finally, you explored how modern libraries balance the types of resources they offer. For example, maintaining a range of online resources alongside your print media and audiobooks is important in encouraging remote learning and accessibility. Although online resources can often be expensive, using open-source materials or joining a consortium where neighbouring schools join together to purchase subscriptions at cheaper prices can help libraries of all budgets maximise their offering.
In the next session, you will consider the relationship between technology and your library. In particular, you will look at the importance of Library Management Systems (LMS) and explore their potential to optimise your service. You will also look in more detail at digital resources and touch upon how social media can help you promote reading and, therefore, embed literacy.
You should now go to Session 3 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .