3 Food and drink
Look and listen to names of other foods in Ukrainian.
Choose the five most important ones for you and learn these first. You can learn the others later.
Ukrainian | Transliteration | English translation |
молоко | moloko | milk |
масло | maslo | butter |
сир | syr | cheese |
сметана | smetana | sour cream |
йогурт | yohurt | yogurt |
ковбаса | kovbasa | sausage |
мʼясо | miaso - pronounced like ‘m-yaso’ | meat |
риба | ryba | fish |
макарони | makarony | pasta |
рис | rys | rice |
олія | oliia | oil |
яйце | yaitse | egg |
цукор | tsukor | sugar |
сіль | sil | salt |
хліб | khlib | bread |
цукерка | tsukerka | sweet |
печиво | pechyvo | biscuit |
торт | tort | cake |
морозиво | morozyvo | ice-cream |
шоколад | shokolad | chocolate |
вода | voda | water |
чай | chai | tea |
кава | kava | coffee |
сік | sik | juice |
Transcript: Audio 36
Moloko milk; maslo butter; syr cheese; smetana sour cream; yohurt yogurt ; kovbasa sausage; miaso meat; ryba fish; makarony pasta; rys rice; oliia oil; yaitse egg; tsukor sugar; sil salt; khlib bread; tsukerka sweet; pechyvo biscuit; tort cake; morozyvo ice-cream; shokolad chocolate; voda water; chai tea; kava coffee; sik juice.
Listen to the recording once again. Pause and repeat your most important words several times when you hear them.