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Introducing Black leadership
Introducing Black leadership

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4 Summary of Week 7

Leadership as product is concerned with who and what is produced – sold, so to speak – to the world as leaders and leadership. Unfortunately the answer to these questions is still, too often, wealthier white men. But this situation presents an opportunity for Black leadership to challenge and change the status quo. Critical race theory (CRT) helps us see how whiteness is routinely privileged in societies, cultures, institutions and organisations, while Blackness is diminished. Applying CRT helps illuminate some of the barriers that Black leadership needs to overcome, but it also opens up possibilities for powerful leadership interventions that can generate change. Intersectionality is a theory that helps us recognise the numerous ways in which people can experience oppression, and it can inform a positive leadership that always looks for ways of opening up possibilities for inclusion and empowerment.

You should now be able to:

  • describe and critically assess leadership as something that is produced in society, culture and organisations
  • understand and apply critical race theory to highlight ways in which whiteness is commonly privileged while Black leadership is diminished
  • explore and apply a ‘conflict dial’ to enhance everyday practice
  • understand and apply intersectionality to create more inclusive and empowering leadership.

Next week, you will move on to consider the final P of leadership – purpose.

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