4 Reflective activity
Now you have reached the end of Session 8, and indeed the whole course, it’s a good time to reflect on all your learning.
In particular, you might like to consider what are the big questions you still need to find answers to and how you intend to move forwards. Don’t forget to complete your Learning journal one last time or add notes to the text box in the activity. Once again there are some questions below that may help you in your thinking.
Activity 2 Reflecting on Session 8 and the course
- What did you find helpful about this session? Why?
- Are there three key points you will take away from this session? What might you choose to share with others?
- Think about three action points you could write down in terms of moving forward. Make sure they are doable and not too aspirational. Remember the importance of small, incremental steps.
We hope you have enjoyed this course and enjoyed getting to know Friedrich Froebel, and hopefully his ideas will have been useful to you as you think about your care of young children. Let’s leave the last word to him:
Children who spend all their time in the open air may still observe nothing of the beauties of Nature and their influence on the human heart. The boy sees the significance …but if he does not find the same awareness in adults the seed of knowledge just beginning to germinate is crushed.