2.2 Adapting personal Twitter use for education
While some students use Twitter to create a community, by following their group of peers for example, Twitter has been used by students mainly to connect with professionals in the field they are studying. The high profile nature of the app means that often academics, policy makers, scientists and other influential professionals regularly post content. This can include details of their most recent work or their opinion on recent events. For this reason, it can be useful for you to follow developments in your own field of study.
Here Mel Green talks about the ways in which Twitter has connected her with a global network of academics.
Transcript: Video 10 The value of Twitter
Here Olivia Kelly talks about how students on her research project described the benefits of Twitter in their education.
Transcript: Video 11 Openness of Twitter
One important thing to note is that users of Twitter may set up a ‘bio’ or biography. As might be expected for a microblogging site, this is very brief – just 160 characters long and it is in this that users show some personality and make it clear what their interests are. They might also need to include disclaimers, for example emphasizing that all views are their own, or that a retweet does not mean they endorse the views expressed in the tweet.
Activity 5 Finding relevant Twitter content
Each of you will have individual preferences for how you want to use Twitter as part of your studies. Below are brief instructions on how to find useful study-related content on Twitter. Spend 15 minutes exploring how you might connect with this content.
- If you have a Twitter account, (you can sign up now for free on the Twitter website [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ) you can search Twitter via the search box at the top of the screen.
- You can search for keywords on Twitter (e.g. ‘health’) or for hashtags, which are tagged words or phrases without spaces that begin with a hashtag (e.g. ‘#HealthAndWellbeing’).
- The Advanced search is an easy option to search for two or more hashtagged terms at the same time in Twitter. The search results will consist of tweets that include all searched for terms. (The search results will not include tweets containing only one of the hashtags).
- Check for influential academics in your subject – they may have an official presence on Twitter, or you may find quotes from other students or professionals. If you can check the bios of some of the professionals you are interested in, you can see if they are speaking on behalf of an organisation, or themselves.
While much of Twitter can be controversial, it is also worth remembering how it has broken down barriers and encouraged communication. This breaking down of barriers was one of the most important things that students interviewed by Olivia Kelly discussed – watch this video where she explains this in more detail.
Transcript: Video 12 Connections of Twitter: breaking down hierarchy
So it is important to remember the value of Twitter, one of the things that can help the advantages of this social media be really maximised is by thinking about your safety on Twitter, you learn about this next.