1 The risks and potential negative impact of social media
For many students, social media can be a positive space to connect to peers and explore the world of HE, and act as a space to express your views and learn about the views of others. However, it is unlikely that everyone will experience social media as an entirely positive experience all of the time.
One of the biggest risks about meeting people online is that it is possible that people are not who they say they are. Listen to Cath Brown from The Open University describe one such instance.
Transcript: Video 1 Impersonation risk
This is quite an extreme example of someone targeting young people. But it serves as a cautionary tale as sometimes the people we meet, even if they are studying at the same institution as us may have ulterior motive for reaching out.
The negative impacts of social media may vary, from extremely unpleasant bullying to mild irritation at the distraction from repeated notifications. Students sometimes also reveal things that make us worry, here Mel Green talks about this issue and what students might do about revelations that make them worry.
Transcript: Video 2 Safety on Facebook
In this section we will look at some of the common risks and irritations which are particularly important for those in Higher Education, beginning with the risk of bullying.