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Introducing Climate Psychology: facing the climate crisis
Introducing Climate Psychology: facing the climate crisis

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7 Summary of Week 2

This week began by asking how come so little is happening to mitigate runaway climate changes and ended with an example of fossil fuel interests’ attempts to brand realistic, evidence-based thinking about climate change as ‘doomism’. This acts as a reminder of the wider societal pressures encouraging us not to face difficult truths. Nonetheless, the feelings based on recognising the dangerous reality come through and we have explored these under the headings of eco-anxiety, eco-distress and similar terms.

In Week 3, you will focus on how these difficult feelings can be defended against as well as confronted and what supports help us to face reality.

You can now go to Week 3 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .