2 The framework of socialisation, self-regulation and safety
Before reviewing the benefits and risks of social media in Higher Education, you will increase your awareness of some of the common pitfalls of social media that apply, whether it is used for education or not.
Author Ana Homayoun (2018) describes how in order to survive in an ‘unbalanced digital world’ we need to use a framework that can help us to assess our behaviour and maintain social media wellness. The framework that she suggests is the 3 Ss about which you can learn more by clicking on the arrows below.
Activity 2 Assessing your 3 Ss
Before you continue on the course, make some notes on where you think you are regarding understanding the ways in which you use social media.
- Do you feel confident that you understand how to best use social media to compliment Higher Education?
- Do you worry that you spend too much time on social media?
- Do you feel confident that you understand how to safely use social media for your educational journey?
- Do you worry about things that you have experienced or read on social media?
- Do you feel able to self-regulate your social media use as part of your Higher Educational experience?
Throughout this course you will return to these elements. From your learning on this course you should begin to formulate your own Personal Social Media Plan.
Because it is one of the most important aspects to get right, you will begin with self-regulation.