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Talking about the menopause: symptoms, support and the role of exercise
Talking about the menopause: symptoms, support and the role of exercise

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Session 2: Symptoms and strategies


The menopause is often identified by the symptoms that the sufferers experience rather than the physiological changes caused by falling levels of hormones produced. In this session we explore some of these symptoms and the impact they can have.

To introduce this session, watch Video 1 in Activity 1 where members of the public are asked what they think are the significant symptoms of the menopause and what can be done about them.

Activity 1 Menopause symptoms

Timing: Allow 10 minutes

Watch Video 1 and note down the symptoms mentioned and also what the contributors think can be done to improve the experience of menopausal women.


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Video 1 Symptoms of the menopause and what can be done about it
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Night sweats, hot flushes, pain, anger and thought (brain) fog are all identified by the contributors. Hot flushes are described graphically as the feeling of heat rising up your body and you are so hot you don’t know what to do. The emotion attached to the descriptions makes the symptoms sound more serious that when we read them.

The worst thing that we can do is carry on like nothing happens while being educated and showing understanding are two positive things we can do to understand the experiences of other people.

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

  • identify common and less common symptoms associated with menopause
  • appreciate the effects of menopause on people’s lives and work
  • understand the main approaches available in treating menopause symptoms
  • understand the role of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).